
posted in: Farmville | 0

This plugin will let you send market items including rings and quest items. This plugin will also buy and put items in giftbox.


To Send Quest Reward:


  1. Select Send Quest Reward from drop down
  2. Click on go
  3. Click On Run SendQuestReward
  4. Click on Disable Plugin after running
  5. Enter FBID of person sending to
  6. Enter the Date in MM/DD/YYYY like 01/20/2015
  7. Click on Get Data
  8. To get information in this box follow black line to images and select which ones you want to send
  9. Click on save

To run this plugin in FV_Settings uncheck MagicMarketSend

Example of working log:


To Send Market Ring:

(In this example i am sending a ring for any farm by using a ring that is on sale on another farm. In FV_Settings farms tab make sure sending farm is on farm that the ring is discounted on for ex. if things are on sale on Sweet Acres, make sure that you are also set on Sweet Acres)


  1. Click Send Market Ring from drop down
  2. Click on Go (also please click on Run SendMarketRing and Disable Plugin after running (They did not get market in ex.)
  3. Enter the FBID of person(s) sending to
  4. Select Ring from images shown by black line in ex. it will input correct code in box
  5. Select Ring from images shown by black link in ex, it will input correct code in box
  6. Click on Save Settings

To run this plugin in FV_Settings uncheck MagicMarketSend

Example of working log:



To Buy Put in Giftbox:

(in this example buying a nursery and stable to put in giftbox)


  1. Select Buy Put Giftbox from drop down menu
  2. Click on Go
  3. Enter date of market items are in in MM/DD/YYYY format for example 01/20/2015
  4. Click on Get Data
  5. Click on images shown of items you would like to buy, please follow black line
  6. Click on Save Settings

To run this plugin in FV_Settings uncheck MagicMarketSend:

Example of working log:
